Sunday, August 19, 2012


Before our summery weather is all gone in the Pacific Northwest, I must say a little something.  I think that the 10 weeks of almost all sun ALMOST makes up for the long months of rain most of the fall, all winter, and part of the spring.  The key word there was ALMOST.   If anything it makes the rain bearable, knowing that eventually the sun WILL shine.  We have enjoyed lots of time outside at the park, eating dinner on our deck, taking walks, riding bikes, tinkering in the garden, and enjoying the landscape of this beautiful state.  Fingers crossed, the sun will stay out for another month or so before we all start to hibernate a little.  Sam told me yesterday that "it's ok if it rains.  We can still go to the park, we'll just wear our rain boots".  That's right, we still find a way to get out and have fun even if the weather doesn't agree.  We did hit the 90's here recently, and only one of those nights did I find it actually uncomfortable in the house.  To Sam's amusement we had a movie night and camp out in the living room. 

Our frequent mode of transportation...this day they both had their lovies tag along.

This boy is growing way too fast for me.  We keep telling him he can't grow anymore and he tells us "I have to so I can be as big as you"...I don't want to think about him getting that big.

Z's first feel of the sand.  He really liked it until he tried to eat it.

If there is one thing that can make this kid speechless (not much can) it might be an ice cream cone.

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