Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Word...CrAwLiNg

That's right folks, Zeke is on the move.  He is also now officially 11 months.  This last month better go slow because I am NOT ready for the big 1 yet.  The last 11 months have gone by so fast and it has been amazing to watch this baby boy grow.  The other day I went to get him up from his nap and found him sitting up in his crib...another new thing this month.  He's moving and trying to get into everything.  His curiosity keeps him occupied but not always out of mischief.  Zeke loves to get his little hand waving and is quite the chatter box, he can now say "baby" and he's working hard on "papa".  He also loves to share his "tricks", a.k.a. various funny noises he can create with his mouth.  If you don't respond fast enough to what he wants you will hear lots of grunts, we are working on some sign language so he can better tell us what he needs.  Blueberries are a favorite snack for him.  The other big change for us is that Zeke has moved into a big boy carseat...he's enjoying the extra room to stretch out.  Sam and Zeke get a kick out of playing bumper cars...Sam in his coupe car and Zeke in his walker (shoes are a must during this time as they will not hesitate to run over your feet).  Ezekiel is a snuggle bug who makes us smile every day.

How can you resist that adorable face?

He's grown so much....the left is when he was just a few weeks old, the right at 10 1/2 months.

The first time he crawled....he was so excited to reach his destinations and get that long for toy.  Hans wasn't there the first time but the Sam and I made sure we cheered extra loud. 

11 months!

1 comment:

  1. oh my he is getting so big and he is soooo cute. I miss you guys and wish we could be closer to see you more often and see these great guys growing. Light and Love,
    Gretchen, Sirius, & Elijah.
