Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Blessings

At this Easter time may you know the love that He has for us all and the greatest gift that was given by His sacrifice.  By His holy cross, the Christ has redeemed the world.

Life Has Taken Over

My updates have been on the bottom of my to-do list and I have not yet reached the bottom.  Do we ever?  Here's a quick update on what we have been up to.  Life has been busy with visitors, homeschooling, and changes in the works.  God is good and is guiding us every step of the way.  Here is a glimpse of the many blessings we have been give the last few months.

Some Wallace family time over the holidays.  Not everyone was here at once, but everyone was here at some point.  The gift of two family pictures to capture us all.

Nana stayed on the east coast for some extra time with all her grandsons.  We love having her and can always use some "Nana time".

Then Grandma Duffy came and then the snow came (and kept coming).  With everything cancelled due to the weather we were given the gift of celebrating her 80th birthday with her.  Priceless!

We were blessed with more wonderful guests.  Our friends, the Kiernans, all came to share some time with us and see the sites.  They exemplify the gift of friends who become family.

These past few months have gone by so fast with all the comings and goings.  In the midst of it all these boys of ours have blessed us each and every day.  Sam has walked into the world of legoes and creates and recreates daily.  He is curious about history and enjoys learning about every aspect of it.  Zeke has become another fireman in the house, talk about deja vu!  When he's not putting out fires, or hopping up in his "daddy truck", aka the little tikes car, you will find him cooking up a storm in his kitchen.  They love to play and I love watching their imaginations bloom.