Monday, November 10, 2014

Homeward Bound....For a Little While

Even though we were only passing through for an extended visit, we were heading home to the heartland.  Wide open spaces and endless fields were calling our names.  Our journey would take us to Iowa for about a month, on ward to Texas for a few months, and then to our final destination in Hawaii.  It has been nearly a full time job keeping up with the details and all parts of this move.  The blog seems to have become the very bottom of the to-do list.  A list which I never reach the bottom of.  While in Iowa we  were able to spend time with cousins, friends, and show the boys some of our favorite things about where we grew up.  There's never enough time to see everyone we want to see and to take quality time to visit with everyone.  Even when we do not have the opportunity to catch up with  someone while home, we always carry our friends and family with us in our hearts.

Here's a little bit of our time in Iowa in rewind:

We "moved into" my parents house for a month and increased the noise level there.

Celebrating Grandma's birthday. 

We can not go to Dubuque without going to the warehouse for a forklift ride with Grandpa Bob.

Time with Wallace cousins at Nana and Papa's.

Great Grandma Dorothy.

More time with Wallace cousins!

Tour of the brand new Cedar Rapids fire station.  They were in AWE.

Nana and all her grandbabies, it had been a while since they were all at the same table.

This boy took off on two wheels while we were in Iowa.

These two spent a lot of time playing in the back yard at Nana and Papa's with Papa's old red wagon.

This boy almost perfected the look of shorts and cowboy boots.  He was preparing for the hot weather in Texas.

Grandpa Bob and ice cream, you can't have a visit with Grandpa without a good chance of ice cream.

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