Monday, November 10, 2014

Hawaii Life

We are here in our new home and we are settled (except for those stray items and boxes that are so patiently waiting for a place).  Every day we get a little more comfortable with our surroundings and learn the ins and outs of the culture of Hawaii.  We have found a church, a Classical Conversations community to support us in our homeschooling, neighborhood kids for the boys to play with, Costco is close (really this made my day!), there's an ice cream shop not too far, beautiful scenery and hiking trails, and the beach is readily accessible.  Yes, there are so many good things we have been given here.  Though we long to be home on the mainland and close to family, we are embracing this incredible opportunity.

This blog update has been long put off.  The first trimester of this pregnancy I was lucky to make it through lunch without a nap most days.  Thank goodness we were staying with my parents much of that time because I needed the extra help.  We are here and now almost into the third trimester of this pregnancy.  It seems that if we weren't packing we were unpacking or organizing the last almost six months.  Now we are settling into our routine and anxiously preparing for and awaiting the arrival of our little girl.  Stay tuned for updates on this little lady's bed, custom built by her daddy.

I make no promises, but I am going to make a conscious effort to keep this updated more because we are living so far from family and friends.  So check back every once in a while and see what we are up to over on the island. We have had a lot going on, but the camera has not seemed to be out to catch all those moments, here are a few of the highlights:

This boy turned 3 and thought it was pretty cool he got to have his birthday at the hotel.  We celebrated before cake with a picnic at the beach.  Zeke had big plans for turning 3.  He told me he would be bigger than me when he turned 3.  Who knows maybe that growth spurt will happen for him.

Zeke changes who he is daily even by the minute sometimes.  We have a lot of costume changes going on.  Sometimes, he just likes to go by a different name, like Jerry.

This guy has a perfect blend of sweetness and spunk.  He keeps us on our toes and reminds us to smile daily.  

One of our first trips to the beach.  

Hans tried out surfing.
Hans had his first birthday in Hawaii and let me tell you it is a challenge to make an ice cream cake in a warm climate.
Our first hike in Hawaii.  We enjoy the rugged side.  This terrain was quite a challenge with kids in tow, but they all handled it well.  No injuries, but lots of smiles. 
Yes, they have a few pumpkin patches.  It just didn't feel like fall with shorts and sunglasses on.  We missed the crisp air and the beautiful autumn leaves. 
We (maybe it's more like I) really wanted to find out the gender this time.  The news that there will be another female in the house was very exciting.  These boys have no idea how this little girl will change their life.
Sam has been drawing a lot lately, mostly trucks adorned with blinking lights.  I love seeing his creativity bud.

Mr. Sam also put on his brave pants and tried surfing.  He didn't want to stand up this time, but thought maybe next time.  I prayed he would at least go past the wave break with the instructor.  He did go past the waves and even rode one in.  It is a start, but, hey, I am not even sure I would have gone that far on my first try.  He may be a little cautious like his mama. He was all smiles coming out of the water.

We drove all the way around the island recently and experienced so many breath taking views. 

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